Although if it's to ask about or report a potential bug with DTW, or it's a question on how to use the program (first, remember that it comes with a ReadMe file to help), please post in the thread for DTW.

a red Falcon costume, PlCaRe, to replace one of his blue ones, PlCaBu)? Q: What if I want to import a character meant for a red alternate over a blue alternate (e.g.(See the ReadMe file with DTW for directions on how to do that.) So if you want to use the textures, you'll need to export them from the new CSS file itself, and then import those textures into the CSS file for/in your game. A: CSS file designed to work with 20XXHP v4+ is not compatible with vanilla Melee, and vice versa.Q: I'm trying to use a new Character Select Screen (CSS) that I downloaded, but it's not working.The program is pretty strait-forward, and comes with a ReadMe file to refer to if you want to know more. This program can also replace individual textures in your disc or a DAT file, and other game files (stage/character/menu/etc). Import the new costume file you just downloaded over the original that's in your game (select the file, click Import), and select Save in the File menu (or press CTRL-S).
Open your ISO in DTW and use the file descriptions to look for the file you want to replace (you can also click on the "Disc Shortcuts" to jump to a specific section). A: Download the costume, and download DAT Texture Wizard (DTW).Q: How do I replace a costume in my game? What about a specific texture?.And be sure to give it proper tags so it can be easily found by those searching for costumes. However, with Modulous, these post repositories are no longer needed anyway, and so it is recommended that you upload your costume there. A: The first two posts here are no longer maintained due to their size, the posts have become laggy and difficult to edit.Q: How do I get my skin/costume/texture on the first post?.